Thursday, April 28, 2011

All About Me =)

A little something about me.

Amirah was the name given.

I promised myself to be stronger for my long journey ahead.

And writing is my biggest passion, I pour my thoughts by it.

Through all those moments in life, I cried a lot. Only when nobody is watching nor listening, I cried deep inside.

Everytime I wallow in sorrow, I look up the sky, and HE'll promise me everything will be okay.

Each time I'm happy I look down to the ground, so that I realize where I was actually standing.

I love love love fashion ! But still need some courage to wear a shawl.

And yes, I want to get proposed in the most romantic way.

And wear a beautiful couture dress on my beautiful wedding day.

Oh oh oh, and have my dream garden wedding.

And have this little pretty yummy cupcake as deserts !

I want to have the cutest babies ever and spoil them all !

That I will try to make a better world one day, so that no child will cry of hunger anymore.

And I have always had this silly dream of mine to race in this car !

And that the nature is my best hiding place.

And the sound of the ocean is the best feeling of tranquility I could ever feel.

But then again, the best feeling of tranquil is reading this Holy Quran.

And I was hoping to make my 10th visit to the most incredible place on earth.

And for sure, I've been craving on paying you another visit, Ya Muhammad !

One day, I will make a change by wearing this, I know who I am deep inside of me.

Because all along, all I ever wanted in this life is to be your angel, oh Allah.

This is me.


Still in a journey of discovering myself and the world beyond.


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